UN fails again:Not only Russia-Ukraine, the United Nation failed to stop the war in the past, the veto power of countries like America is also breathless.

 After long-running tensions, Russia has started military operations inside Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin took this step at a time when the whole world was trying to establish peace by sitting in the UN Security Council. After the start of the war, UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres has appealed to stop the attack in the name of humanity.

Russia has sent its army with tanks to the Ukrainian border, rejecting the appeal of the UN chief. This is not the first time that the UN has failed to establish peace between two countries. Even before this many wars have been caused by the failure of the UN.

Why was the United Nations formed?
After the end of the Second World War, on 24 October 1945, more than 50 countries including America, Russia united in San Francisco and they signed a document, in which it was said to form an organization to establish peace. After this the United Nations was formed. The United Nations Security Council, i.e. UNSC is one of the six major organs of the United Nations, which ensures peace and security all over the world.

UNSC has 193 member countries, out of which 5 countries are its permanent members.
UNSC has 193 member countries, out of which 5 countries are its permanent members.

War between Vietnam and America
Only 10 years after the formation of the UN, the war between America and Vietnam started. The UN completely failed to stop it. The conflict lasted for about 10 years, in which about two million Vietnamese people died. More than three million people were injured in this conflict. More than 55 thousand American soldiers were also killed during this period.

Conflict between Iraq and Iran
On September 22, 1980, the Iraqi army infiltrated the border of western Iran and attacked it. This sparked a war between the two countries, which continued for 8 consecutive years. The United Nations was completely flop in stopping this too. Iraq used chemicals in this war. According to an estimate, about one million people were killed in this conflict between the two countries.

The chemical was used in the Iran war because of the whims of Iraq's dictator Saddam Hussein.
The chemical was used in the Iran war because of the whims of Iraq's dictator Saddam Hussein.

Genocide of Rwanda, in which France had a role
The genocide began in the African country of Rwanda in April 1994. In this massacre, 8 lakh people were killed within 100 days. The Hutu, the majority community there, attacked the people of the minority community Tutsi. France also had a role in the Rwandan genocide. The French government had sent the army to control the situation at that time, but the army kept watching instead of controlling it. However, in 2021, French President Emmanuel Macron apologized for the massacre.

In Rwanda, 8 lakh people lost their lives within 100 days.
In Rwanda, 8 lakh people lost their lives within 100 days.

Bosnia's civil war, NATO had to withdraw troops
After the partition of Yugoslavia in 1992, a dispute between the Serb community and the Muslim community over the new nation started. The UN completely failed to mediate in this dispute. In 1995, the Serb army brought about 8000 Muslims to Black Point and killed them. Even today that point is called Butcher of Bosnia. However, after this NATO had to land the army, after which the situation was controlled there.

How much is the annual budget of the UN?
According to the official report, the budget of the UN in the year 2021 is $ 150 million (Rs 1134 crore). The United Nations receives this amount in the form of donations from member countries. America is the largest contributor to the UN.

Antonio Guterres is the 9th Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Antonio Guterres is the 9th Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Why does the UN act like a puppet?
There are five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (USA, China, Russia, France and Britain). These countries have got veto power. These countries can stop any matter through veto power. Because of this, the United Nations sometimes fails to establish security and peace.

Former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutras Ghali has raised questions about the veto.
Former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutras Ghali has raised questions about the veto.

Boutros Boutros Ghali, who was the Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1992 to 1996, criticized the veto system in his autobiography. He said that if the veto system was not abolished, the UN Security Council would not be able to function independently. He had said that veto power countries want to run the United Nations on their own terms.


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